
现役军人和退伍军人基金 is used to create interdisciplinary collaborations across civilian and military institutions; care for our nation's most valuable asset to national defense; and contribute to the quality of life across during and after service.


积极女童健康妇女基金 用于支持社区外展讲座和工作, 著名教育家的示范, 技术和设备的进步, 继续教育, 研究相关费用, 以及与学生相关的费用.


改编玩具借阅图书馆基金 帮助家庭为有身体和发育障碍的儿童买得起适应性玩具. It also gives high schoolers with these disabilities a chance to bond with UK students in teaching programs.


Amy M. 沃纪念捐赠奖学金基金 provides financial support for students who are on the Pre-Athletic Training pathway within the 健康科学学院. 在您的支持下, you are providing opportunities for students to be impacted by Amy's life for many years to come. This fund is a reflection of Amy's dedication to the lives of others and the way she chose to live her life.


生物运动实验室基金 会不会支持创新发展, 改善下肢损伤患者生活质量的有效治疗方法. 资金将用于进行研究, 支持研究生的研究助学金, 并支持向公众传播我们的工作.




体育训练发展及校友基金 provides financial assistance to students in the Athletic Training program and helps to create a strong alumni/student network.


临床化验学发展校友基金 provides scholarship assistance to students in the UK 健康科学学院 Medical Laboratory Science program and helps to create a strong alumni/student network.


临床领导与管理 学位为毕业生从事有能力的职业和高等教育奠定了基础, 阐述循证, 有效的领导者准备从事跨专业的医疗保健管理实践. 资金支持火狐体育下注临床领导 & Management Program help make student financial assistance possible and provide opportunities for alumni to support current students in their pursuit of a degree.


临床营养发展校友基金 provides scholarship assistance to students in the UK 健康科学学院 临床 Nutrition program and helps to create a strong alumni/student network.


健康科学学院研究生救济捐赠基金 helps provide financial assistance to UK 健康科学学院 graduate and professional students who are facing significant hardship due to unforeseen financial emergencies. 情况包括, 但不限于, 事故, 医疗或牙科紧急情况, 死亡, 安全问题, 自然灾害, 旅游突发事件, 因突发事件需要临时住房.


沟通障碍发展校友基金 provides scholarship assistance to students in the UK 健康科学学院 Communication Sciences and Disorders program and helps to create a strong alumni/student network.


德温·罗伯特·赖斯纪念奖学金基金 was created by Dwain’s family to honor his giving spirit through scholarships to deserving Physical 的rapy students. 该基金颁发的奖学金将惠及GPA达到3分的物理治疗专业学生.0 or higher; have overcome adversity while in college; have financial need; and complete an essay.


Ellen Felice Mattacola奖学金 支持一名或多名本科生攻读运动训练学位. 该奖学金以Ellen Felice Mattacola的名字命名, a first-generation college graduate from a family of Italian immigrants and a committed life learner.


艾玛·罗斯·戴维斯·布里吉斯纪念奖学金 是为了纪念她而创建的鼓励和支持学生的谁, 像艾玛, have demonstrated a commitment to collaboration and innovation in the field of speech language pathology. This annual scholarship will be awarded to one second-year Communication Sciences and Disorders Master's Degree candidate, 谁把语言病理学作为他们的专业.


伊森·厄尔维恩学生应急基金 是由伊森的家人创造的, 朋友, 乔治敦社区医院, 以及火狐体育下注,以便永远记住伊桑帮助他人的热情. Funds will be awarded as grants to help undergraduate students alleviate short-term financial needs.


格蕾丝·琼斯纪念基金 是为了纪念格蕾丝·琼斯而设立的吗, who joined the faculty of the Department of Entomology at the 火狐体育下注 in 1984 and later became a Professor in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 1999 in the renamed Department of Biology. 在2000年严重中风之后, 她克服了艰难的身体挑战,激励了许多人, 继续她非常喜欢的生物学的学术教学和研究. 捐款用于帮助身体残疾/中风残疾人士及其家人.


健康科学卓越学术基金 支持健康科学学院的学生教育.


KARRN基金 was created to accomplish the following priorities related to advocating and empowering communities impacted by disability: support for student-run medical 设备 (walkers, 轮椅, 拐杖, 等.) refurbishing program to aid individuals in underserved rural communities; provide adaptation and development of new assistive 技术 and durable medical 设备; pioneer testing of new models for distance education and telehealth to improve patient provider communication to overcome the misuse of prescription medications.


麦克杜格尔捐赠奖学金基金 awards scholarships annually to students enrolled in the College's physical therapy program who show professional promise. 该奖学金以理查德·麦克·V的名字命名. McDougall who was the founding director of the UK 健康科学学院 Physical 的rapy program in the mid 1960s.


物理治疗发展校友基金 provides scholarship assistance to students in the UK 健康科学学院 Physical 的rapy program and helps to create a strong alumni/student network.


物理治疗计划奖学基金 supports students pursuing a degree in the Physical 的rapy (PT) Program at the UK 健康科学学院. PT students are educated and trained to be competent physical therapy practitioners who are critical thinkers, 教育工作者, 和专业人士.


海外物理治疗研究基金 helps students in the Physical 的rapy Program at the UK 健康科学学院 who have financial need. 该计划在翁布里亚和托斯卡纳提供机会, Italy; Sydney, Australia; Hong Kong; Ecuador; and other locations.


医师助理研究发展校友基金 provides scholarship assistance to students in the UK 健康科学学院 Physician Assistant Studies program and helps to create a strong alumni/student network.


医师助理研究农村健康奖 表彰表现出致力于农村卫生事业的学生. 的 faculty of the UK 健康科学学院 Physician Assistant Studies Department annually select a full-time PAS student on the Morehead campus for the award.


少有人走的路奖学金 是2017届物理治疗博士班为纪念同学而创建的, 洛根·詹姆斯·汉弗莱. 的 scholarship they created is unusual as it is awarded to students in the DPT program who have an undergraduate degree unrelated to health and medicine. 罗根以英语本科学位进入DPT项目. 出于对他的旅程和长久友谊的钦佩, 他们创立了“人迹罕至之路奖学金”. 为了向洛根致敬,为“少有人走过的路”奖学金制作礼物,请点击下面的链接. 在“用你的礼物来纪念某人”这一栏,请写上洛根的名字.


SMRI运动倡议捐献基金 是否用于优化预防, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries and performance for athletes and physically active individuals across the lifespan.


SMRI捐赠帐户基金 支持互动应用研究机会, 学生研究项目, 开发有价值的知识, 设备, 和操作.


SMRI骑师 & 马术项目 支持应用研究机会, 研究生研究助理奖学金, 设备, 技术, 和操作.


Tiffany Fahringer-Underwood奖学金 will be awarded to students enrolled in the physician assistant studies program in the UK 健康科学学院 with preference given to students who have provided service to others, 表现出对美国或全球医疗使命工作的兴趣, 并且在项目中有良好的声誉.


威廉J. 梅多斯医师助理教育基金 为火狐体育下注CHS医师助理研究计划的学生提供奖学金援助.
